The Baby of the Bunch: He's the youngest of the knights, and in some shows the youngest/newest of all knights in service to the crown.Renowned as a champion of the defenseless, his blood will not be cooled, nor his vengeance postponed, for those who bring war and unquiet to Valiente." He struck the enemy and rallied the faithful. "As a young squire, Don Alberto del Mau earned his place among the Knights of the Realm in a desperate battle. Two squires help the winning knight in the final battle against the show’s villain.
The Squire: Each knight is accompanied by a group of squires, who act as stage hands.Spotlight-Stealing Squad: The queen/king is the main protagonist, but the knights and their duels are heavily advertised.The knight titles are "Don", "Lord" and "Baron", but never "Sir". The knights' names are derived from names of European origin, primarily Spanish.
Fanservice: The actors playing the knights are handsome, and they toss flowers to a couple of women in the audience during the show.
Law of Chromatic Superiority: The reason the Red Knight and the Red and Yellow Knight are the most featured in advertisements is because Red Is Heroic. Heroes Prefer Swords: Downplayed they use all sorts of weapons when fighting on foot, but most often use swords. Headbutting Heroes: The knights are always seen fighting each other, however in some backstories of the shows they have fought alongside each other. Good Versus Good: The knights - all unambiguously good (except the Green Knight in the 2006 show and the traitor in Sovereign) - compete against one another over the course of The Tourney. Go-Karting with Bowser: Anytime the knights are together and are doing anything but dueling. Yellow rivals Blue, Black and White rivals Red and Yellow, and Red rivals Green. Foil: The personalities of the knights contrast with their rival. The backstories boast their skills and battle feats more, and there's less focus on their distinct traits (ex: Black and White Knight’s distanced personality, Green Knight's cockiness). Flanderization: 2012 show onwards, the knights' distinct traits become less apparent. The knights of the East are Green, Red and Yellow, and Blue. Color-Coded for Your Convenience: The knights of the West are Red, Black and White, and Yellow. Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: What happens to the losing knights after they leave the stage is not known except that they come home with honor lost. They're taken off during the fights for convenience. Badass Cape: They wear capes in their colors and patterns. Animal Motifs: Some tunics of the knights incorporate these. The six champion knights loyal to the king of Aragon.